Screenshot Saturday: Drill Overheat

Hey all! Nothing major to show off yet, but we’ve got a little something fresh off the
Paco presses for Screenshot Saturday once again!

Below you’ll find some new functionality for Paco’s drill move, talked about more in-
detail in the previous blog post. If you use Paco’s drill for too long on the ground, it’ll
overheat and explode! Hope you’re happy with that. If you play a certain fangame
involving rings and racing, you may know what this is inspired by.

The music this time around is “Under The Ice” from Mario Pinball Land. A must-play, if
you ask me.

That’s all for today! Hope you enjoyed. Now, I should really go help Paco up, he’s been quietly groaning after that explosion for an hour now. Ciao Ciao! 
(Oh! And a reminder that we have a Twitter! There you’ll find truncated versions of blog
posts and other, smaller content about the game! Check it out here!)

Picture of Written by King

Written by King

June 15th, 2024